The Crosier

Keeping the sheep in line

Posts Tagged ‘childhood obesity

Michelle Obama Hates Fat Kids and So Should You [UPDATED]

First Lady Michelle Obama launches campaign against fat kids. Since fat kids are unsightly and not productive members of society, First Lady Obama is working to put the weight of the Federal Government behind her initiative to rid the country of these fat little crumb crunchers.

Michelle Obama does not just want the Federal Government to aid her in her crusade against fat kids, she wants your help too. In a White House event marking the beginning of the end for fat kids, The First Lady said:

…[this isn’t about] having government tell people what to do. Instead, I’m looking at what we all can do.

Obama wants to reduce junk food in schools, and put an end to “food deserts” in urban areas. Though it seems leaving fat kids in a desert would certainly cause them to lose weight. Hate filled conservative blogger Frankj has a list of solutions from Mrs. Obama.

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. What would you do to get rid of fat kids?

UPDATE: Amazing! Coincidentally, USAToday did a story about fat kids being more likely to die. Especially now since Michelle Obama has it out for them.

Written by Rivers Shepherd

February 10, 2010 at 11:09